ما الهدف من اختيار ميجا بكسل، وتقنية IP وكاميرات الأمن التناظرية، كيف؟

surveillance,surveillance system,video surveillance,video surveillance system

A commonsense guide for chief security officers (CSOs), directors and managers on how to maximize the effectiveness of your surveillance solution by selecting the right combination of cameras for the task.

ليس من المهم نوع برامج الفيديو ونوع الاتصال والتخزين والإدارة، وليس من المهم نوع التطبيق الذي يتراوح من منتصف الطريق إلى المدرسة إلى نقطة المراجعة في المطار الجوي، يكمن قلب النظام في الحافة. إنها الكاميرا.

Of course, there are analog and digital cameras. But there is more commonality than differences between them. In its first in a series of Infinova white papers, also available on the firm's Web site, the dilemma of when to move to IP was explored with a simple bottom line - jump in based on a cost-managed way that extends the life of existing equipment. For most sites, the migration will take place gradually; and, during the process, analog and IP solutions will coexist, in some cases for many years to come.

As before, let' s follow CSO Terry Jones and Helena Smith, his second-in-command, who work for a mid-sized enterprise, as they now face the decisions and intricacies involved in selecting cameras.

فعاليات التدريب:
  • Seattle,WA Jul-20,2011
  • San Francisco Jul-14,2011
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